Utilities Organisations, Associations and Governing Bodies

Utilities Organisations, Associations and Governing Bodies
You will find a comprehensive list organisations offering utilities listed below. If you are interested in renewable energy click here for solar panel quotes.

RenewableUK - formerly BWEA

RenewableUK is a professional body for marine and wind renewable energy industries in the UK. It was founded in 1978 and is the leading trade association for renewable energy. The aim of RenewableUK is to promote the use of tidal, wave and wind powers throughout the UK, and beyond. RenewableUK is a central place of information for members, and is a lobbying group for the promotion of renewable energy sources, to government.

Company and sponsoring members can benefit from the following:

  • Intelligence from political briefings
  • Meeting participation
  • Access to working groups
  • Networking opportunities
  • Promotional materials
  • Discounts on exhibition space, events and conferences
  • Reduced rate job advertisement
  • Research and statistics

More information can be found on the RenewableUK website at www.bwea.com.

RenewableUK Contact Details

Head Office

Greencoat House
Francis Street

Tel: 020 7901 3000
Fax: 020 7901 3001
Email: info@renewable-uk.com


Temple Court
13a Cathedral Road
CF11 9HA

Tel: 029 2022 0700
Email: cymru@renewable-uk.com
Northern Ireland Renewable Industries Group (NIRIG)

Kerry Curran
Policy & Communications Manager

Forsyth House
Cromac Square

Tel: 02890 511220
Email: kerry@ni-rig.org

Combined Heat and Power Association (CHPA)

CHPA is an advocate of the integrated approach for delivering energy services with district heating and combined heat and power (CHP). This association is a leading industry body in the sustainable energy industry. The aim of CHPA is to promote awareness of district heating and CHP. The work of CHPA includes advocacy, raising awareness, promotion of best practice and enhancing the reputation of the sustainable energy sector.

Those who join CHPA may benefit from the following:

  • Representation on key issues
  • Support with developments in the industry
  • Advocacy in government
  • Research
  • Market intelligence
  • Minimum carbon price
  • MCS certification

To obtain more information regarding the benefits of joining CHPA, and the various membership packages that are available, visit the CHPA website at www.chpa.co.uk.

CHPA Contact Details

Grosvenor Gardens House
35-37 Grosvenor Gardens

Tel: 020 7828 4077
Fax: 020 7828 0310
Email: info@chpa.co.uk

Association of Electricity Producers (AEP)

The AEP represents the companies, which produce electricity for the UK. This association works with news media, regulators, and government to promote awareness and understanding of the issues faced by the electricity generating industry, as a whole.

Electricity companies, both large and small, are eligible to join the AEP. More information regarding membership, and how to become a member, can be found on the AEP website at www.aepuk.com.

AEP Contact Details

Charles House
5-11 Regent Street

Tel: 020 7930 9390
Email: enquiries@aepuk.com

Energy Networks Association (ENA)

ENA is an industry body for pipes and wires companies, which carry both gas and electricity to homes and business in the UK. ENA promotes the interests of the industry, and provides a forum for discussion among member companies.

More information regarding membership and the work of ENA can be found on the website at www.energynetworks.org.

ENA Contact Details

6th Floor
Dean Bradley House
52 Horseferry Road

Tel: 020 7706 5100
Email: info@energynetworks.org

Energy Retail Association (ERA)

The ERA was founded in 2003, and represents the main gas and electricity companies in the UK. The ERA works with charities, government and other organisations in the UK, in order to deal with key issues affecting the industry and consumers. The ERA has primarily focused on discovering ways to improve consumers' experiences with the main gas and electricity companies.

More information regarding the work of the ERA can be found on the website at www.energy-retail.org.uk.

ERA Contact Details

1 Hobhouse Court
Suffolk Street

Tel: 020 7104 4150
Fax: 020 7104 4180
Email: info@energy-retail.org.uk

EUA Energy & Utility Alliance

The EUA (originally the SBGI) was founded in 1905, and is the only trade association spanning the entirety of the onshore gas industry in the UK. The EUA has three divisions: ICOM Energy Association, Heating & Hotwater Industry Council (HHIC) and SBGI Utility Networks.

There are various types of membership spanning the three divisions of the EUA and more information regarding this can be found on the website at www.eua.org.uk.

EUA Contact Details

Camden House
Warwick Road

Tel: 01926 513777
Fax: 01926 511923
Email: mail@eua.org.uk

ICOM Energy Association
Tel: 01926 513748
Fax: 1926 855017


The Society of British Water and Wastewater Industries (SBWWI)

The SBWWI is a not-for-profit trade association, which represents the interests of contractors, manufacturers, distributors, consultants and others in the water industry.

Members of the SBWWI can benefit from the following:

  • Networking and sharing knowledge with other members
  • Networking with regulatory bodies
  • Access to industry working groups
  • Seminars and exhibitions
  • Collaboration with other trade associations
  • Products and services directory
  • Liaison and business meetings

Subscriptions to the SBWWI are based on annual turnover. More information regarding becoming a member can be found on the SBWWI website at www.sbwwi.co.uk.

SBWWI Contact Details

38 Holly Walk
Leamington Spa
CV32 4LY

Tel: 01926 831 530
Fax: 01926 831 931
Email: hq@sbwwi.co.uk

Water UK

Water UK represents the interests of all water and wastewater service providers at national and European levels. They provide a platform for the water industry to engage with the general public, as well as regulators, stakeholder organisations and government.

Members of Water UK can benefit from the following:

  • Specialist networks
  • Member-only library access
  • Panel of experts
  • Database of water industry specifications and guidance notes

More information can be found on the Water UK website at www.water.org.uk.

Water UK Contact Details

Head Office

1 Queen Anne's Gate

Tel: 020 7344 1844
Fax: 020 7344 1853

020 7344 1809

Out of hours
07833 450544

Brussels office

Building and Townhouse Espace Meeûs
38/40 Square de Meeûs
1000 Brussels

Tel: +32 (0)2 401 6884
Fax: +32 (0)2 401 6868
